What This College Student Did To Take Care Of His Dad Is Seriously Unbelievable. I Have No Words.

Guo Shijun is a young man that has faced incredible difficulties in his life. His father became paralyzed during a building accident while on the job. He has to care for him full time because his mother is unable to. She was mentally disabled from a long battle with meningitis when Shijun was just a child. But, even though Guo Shijun spent the majority of days caring for his parents, he found a way to make it into a top university. That’s not all he was able to accomplish, though.
Guo Shijun is paying his tuition with help from his family and friends (approximately $3,400). He managed to earn a scholarship to help him on his way, but he doesn’t mind the hard work. He knows life isn’t easy. But even though he is struggling now, he still has hope.
“I think once I graduate things will get much better.”
Source: dailymail.co.uk
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