Top and Best Animators in the World

Walt Disney

Walt Disney
Often considered as one of the Most Influential Animators in the History of Animation, he is remembered by some of his most amazing works such as Mickey Mouse, Flip the frog and Oswald the lucky rabbit that have stood time and still recognized as one of the best animated works in history. He is also recognized as the first person to introduce color into animations and thus creating a revolutionary change in the cartoon world. Disney still lives in the hearts of millions of children and adults who have witnessed the magical works of his creations for the first time and will still live on in the centuries to come.

Hayao Miyazaki

Hayao Miyazaki
The Japanese born animator is regarded as one of the top notches in the animation industry and at times he is compared with brilliant minds such as American animator Walt Disney, British Animator Nick Park and American director Steven Spielberg. He was the first Japanese animator to win Oscar for best animated feature film. Some of his most notable works include Spirited Away (2001), Ponyo (2008) and My Neighbor Totoro (1988) and so on.

Chuck Jones

Chuck Jones
Perhaps one of the most arguably best animators next to Walt Disney in the American Animation industry was chuck Jones creator of some of our best childhood remembered cartoon shows such as Bugs bunny show, Tom and Jerry show and the Road runner show.

Tex Avery

Tex Avery
Maybe he was not famous as Walt Disney and Chuck Jones but still he is remembered as one of the influential cartoonists of the golden era of Hollywood animation. His famous works include creating characters such as the iconic Bugs bunny, Daffy duck and porky pig all of which belonged to Warner Brothers. Its fair to say that this guy was a legend in the animation industry because of it. If it wasn't for this man there wouldn't been a Looney tunes or a Road Runner show.


Animation Directors Joseph Barbera and William Hanna were one of the most successful Duo in the animation world with their most famous creations such as Scooby-doo, Tom and Jerry, The Flinstones, The Jetsons and Yogi bear. Some of their cartoons are still ranked at the top most by the people.

John Lasseter

John Lasseter
John Lasseter is an American Animation director and also the Chief Creative Officer at Pixar Studios. The reason why he is in this list is because of these works "Toy story 1 and 2, A bugs Life and so on. These are often considered as the best animated works of the past decade though there were many other successful animated features released, these films are the best reminders of our childhood..

Nick Park

Nick Park
The English Born Stop motion animator is best known for the following works that include "Wallace And Gromit, Chicken Run and Creature Comforts". He was the first and only English director to win Four Academies for animated films.

Pete Docter

Pete Docter
Pete is considered as the most influential modern day animators in the world with most of his works acclaiming world wide recognition and bringing praise to his self. His works include Monsters Inc., Up and Wall-E.

Matt Groening

Matt Groening
Matt Groening is perhaps best known for his hit animated adult sitcom series. The Simpsons which began in the year 1989 and is still on air. It is by far the longest running american T.V show with almost 25 years completed since the original run date.

Daisuke Nishio

Daisuke Nishio
Like Matt Groening, Nishio is best known as the creator of the Japanese hit animated action series Dragon ball and its sequel Dragon Ball Z both of which acclaimed him world wide recognition.

Seth Macfarlane

Seth Macfarlane
Seth is best recognized for his adult animated slapstick humor sitcom series Family Guy and for his performance in American dad another adult animated sitcom in which he voices the characters of Stan smith and Roger the alien.

Trey Parker and Matt Stone

Trey Parker and Matt Stone
Tray and Matt were the creators of the hit Adult animated series "South Park" which debuted in 1997 to great success. Trey and Matt perform most of the characters voice in the series.

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