PETALING JAYA: Brunei telah mengharamkan penjualan tiga Produk keluaran Qu Puteh kerana didapati mengandungi bahan berbahaya.
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Brunei haramkan tiga produk Qu Puteh, Apa RESPOND Dato Vida.....? |
Memetik laporan portal The Brunei Times, kementerian kesihatan negara itu menerusi kenyataan hari ini berkata, pihaknya telah membuat ujikaji terhadap produk tersebut menerusi Bahagian Kawalan Kualiti Dadah di bawah Jabatan Perkhidmatan Farmasi.
Kapsul Chantique Beauty Slimming Herbal didapati mengandungi spironolactone manakala dua produk kosmetik didapati mengandungi merkuri.
Bahan-bahan itu boleh menyebabkan kesan buruk yang merbahaya kepada pengguna produk berkenaan.
Penggunaan tanpa pengawasan boleh menyebabkan kelesuan, kekeliruan, mengantuk, pening, rasa tidak selesa pada payudara dan pembesaran, haid yang tidak teratur, kejang, keguguran rambut dan ruam kulit.
Terdedah kepada merkuri pula boleh menyebabkan ruam kulit, kehilangan ingatan, lemah otot dan kerosakan kepada otak dan buah pinggang.
Kementerian itu turut memberi amaran kepada mereka yang terlibat dalam penjualan produk itu termasuk peruncit dalam talian bahawa penjualannya adalah satu kesalahan dan mereka yang didapati bersalah menjual produk yang diharamkan boleh dikenakan denda sehingga $5,000 (RM15045.46) atau penjara maksimum dua tahun atau kedua-duanya sekali.
Sehubungan itu, kementerian kesihatan berkenaan menasihati orang ramai yang telah membeli produk berkenaan supaya berhenti daripada menggunakannya dan segera mendapatkan rawatan jika mengalami tindak balas yang tidak diingini. - FMT
Friday, January 22, 2016
THE Ministry of Health (MoH) has ordered stores and online retailers to stop selling certain health and cosmetics products as they’ve been found to contain harmful substances.
The affected products are Chantique Beauty Slimming Herbal capsules, Qu Puteh Kosmetik Whitening Pro 9 cream and Qu Puteh Kosmetik Whitening UV Block.
In a statement yesterday, the ministry said the products have been tested by the Drug Quality Control Section under the Department of Pharmaceutical Services.
The Chantique Beauty Slimming Herbal capsules were found to contain spironolactone while the two cosmetics products were found to contain mercury.
These substances can cause adverse effects that are potentially hazardous to users of the products.
Unsupervised consumption of spironolactone causes malaise, confusion, drowsiness, dizziness, breast discomfort and enlargement, irregular periods, cramps, hair loss and skin rashes.
Mercury is a potent ingredient that is prohibited in cosmetics products as stipulated in the Medicines (Cosmetic Products) Regulations 2007 as it has hazardous effects on human health.
Being exposed to mercury can cause skin rashes, memory loss, muscle weakness and damage to the brain and kidneys. Mercury is also toxic to unborn children.
The ministry said the contaminated products aren’t allowed to be imported and sold in the sultanate.
The ministry is advising anyone who has purchased the products to stop using them immediately and consult a medical practitioner if they are feeling unwell or experiencing undesirable reactions.
Those involved in the retail sale of these products, including online retailers, are reminded that it is an offence under the Medicines (Cosmetic Products) Regulations 2007 to import and market cosmetics products without a Cosmetic Product Notification Acknowledgement Letter.
The penalty for contravening this regulation upon conviction is a fine not exceeding $5,000, imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years or both.
The ministry also called on the public to report to the Pharmacy Enforcement Section if any of the affected products are still being sold in the local market.
For further information, contact the section at 2393298 ext 208, or visit the section at Kg Madaras in Mukim Gadong A.
The Brunei Times
Sumber : BulletinMedia & The Brunei Times
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