With the recent increase in number and duration of the power outages, many people have installed UPS at their workplaces and homes. However, choosing which UPS to buy is a project in itself. Not many of us put enough thought to it and suffer the consequences afterwards. So we decided to put up a guide that will help you with choosing the right UPS for your home/work. Give it a read and if there’s anything you would like to add to it; feel free to comment.
5. Evaluate your Requirements

It is vital to first calculate what your requirements are. By requirements, we mean that how much of load you will be subjugating your UPS to. This value is of utmost importance because getting an UPS that is less than your required load shall result in UPS not working up to your expectations. So using a load chart that tells you the wattage taken by common household appliances, do some working to calculate your basic requirement. Now the thumb rule is to purchase an UPS which is twice the load that you are going to put on it. So, say your load is 200 watts than you would better, ideally, get an UPS with rating of 400 watts.
4. Backup Time

Backup time can be defined as the time for which your UPS will run before the battery is discharged. Not many people know this but a battery being discharged completely compared to a battery that discharges partially will give out on its owner quite early. The rule for selecting a battery is to purchase the one with a backup time that is almost twice that of the load shedding you are foreseeing. For example; if power outage at your home is for one hour then you should opt for values that allow you to have backup time of 2 hours.
3. Battery Type

Battery plays a vital role when you are installing an UPS and therefore, selecting the right type of battery is a crucial aspect too. We suggest that you go for the dry battery instead of the wet battery. Although the initial cost would be high, but consequently, it is easier to maintain and is far more economical as compared to the wet battery.
2. Design of UPS

Opt for an UPS that is transformer free, get an UPS that utilizes solid state transistors. The reason for that is simple; having a transformer in your UPS results in poor efficiency when converting electricity and ultimately, it will result in lesser backup time and higher electricity bills for the user.
1. Get A Renowned Brand

Although this may cost you a bit higher, but trust us quality matters at this point. You want to invest in an UPS which comes from a renowned brand. The perks are quite high; you get to have a company representative present during installation and hiccups that may arise afterwards, the UPS has a high quality which allows it to be more durable. Plus, renowned brands have been into the UPS business for a long time and they have tweaked their designs to make their product more efficient and long lasting. So skip on those cheap Chinese brands when purchasing an UPS.
This pretty much sums up what you need to see when buying an UPS. Let us know in comments if you have any questions or queries.
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