A cinemagraph is a special kind of digitally altered photograph that uses both stills and animation. In one frame, a motion will loop and the remainder of the photograph will stay still, creating a mind-boggling and beautiful effect.
Artists Jamie Beck and Kevin Burg have created some of the most stunning cinemagraphs we have ever seen. Their most recent set shows you what New York City would look like through a pair of Armani glasses… and the effect is incredible.
When out of frame (literally) the world is a blur.
But, as soon as the focus movies in front of the glasses, the world becomes crisp.
If you wear glasses, then you know just how accurate these cinemagraphs are.
Using these spectacles in a cinemagraph is a brilliant idea.
We’ve never seen NYC like this before.
I love these NYC cinemagraphs, but to be honest, Jamie and Kevin’s best work is THIS.
Source: Cinemagraphs / Jamie Beck & Kevin Burg
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