Guy Sings Pharrell's "HAPPY" In Family Guy Voices And It's Awesome

Pharrell -
There seems to be a lot of this going around lately… the videos where a dude will sing a popular song with the voices from a different popular thing. First there was the guy singingLet It Go in Disney and Pixar voices, then there was the OTHER guy who sung Katy Perry’s “Dark Horse” in 20 different musical styles, and now YouTuber Mikey Bolts is on it with his version of Pharrell’s “Happy,” sung in the voices of Family Guy characters. Now, to be fair to Mikey, he’s done this before with Pitbull/Kesha’s “TIMBER” and Eminem’s “Rap God,” so he’s not just hopping on the trend. HE’S HELPING TO LEAD IT. Check out the video down below!

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