Best Dad Ever? Super Cool Dad Uses CGI Magic To Make His Son An Action Movie Hero [Videos]

We all want our dad to think we’re cool… but what if your dad MADE you cool? Not cool like he teaches you about responsibility and shows you by example what being a good person is all about, I mean cool like lightsabers and rocket ships cool. If that’s the kind of cool dad you want, get ready to be jealous of this 3-year-old named James.
action movie kid

Daniel Hashimoto, an After Effects artist at Dreamworks, has started a YouTube channel called Action Movie Kid where he uses the technically wizardry he’s used on movies like “How To Train Your Dragon” to turn his adorable son James into an action movie badass. (I wish someone would do this for me, and I’m a fully grown adult.) Although the channel has only been around less than two months, he’s already gained millions of views, especially in the last few days when news outlets like the Huffington Post and the NY Daily News picked up on the amazing father-son duo. Check out the Action Movie Kid videos down below! Can’t wait to see what they do next. (via Mashable)

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